Proofreading Results


Patent number: 20170297931
Title: Sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron and method of use thereof
Processing time: 0.5 seconds
Number of claims: 2 independent and 13 total
Claims for fees: 2 independent and 13 total (excluding canceled and including multiple dependencies)
Abstract: 39 words

Claim Tree

  • Claim 1
    • Claim 2
    • Claim 3
    • Claim 4
    • Claim 10
      • Claim 11
      • Claim 12
      • Claim 13
  • Claim 5
    • Claim 6
    • Claim 7
    • Claim 8
    • Claim 9

Numbering and Dependency Errors

Claim has different type than parent.
Claim should depend from most recent independent claim.
10. A method for reducing a concentration of a chlorinated organic compound in an aqueous medium comprising contacting the aqueous medium with a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) as defined in claim 1.

Antecedent Basis Errors

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  • Underline: Indefinite noun phrases for diagnosing errors.
  • Green Highlight: We found an exact match so likely no AB error (you should confirm).
  • Yellow Highlight: We found a partial match so there may be an AB error.
  • Red Highlight: We did not find a partial match so there is likely an AB error.
  • Red Underline: We found a possibly ambigous noun phrase (many false alarms for this).

1.A sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) wherein the S-NZVI comprises an iron sulfide (FeS) layer on the surface of a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) and wherein an iron/sulfide molar ratio (Fe/S) is at least 0.6.

2.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 0.62 to 66.

3.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the hydrodynamic diameter of the sufidated NZVI measured from NTA is greater than or equal to about 190 nm.

4.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 15 to 50.

5.A method of producing a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) comprising contacting a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) with a sulfide source in an aqueous medium.

6.The method of claim 5 wherein the step of contacting a NZVI with a sulfide source is conducted in an inert atmosphere.

7.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is providing a sulfide species HS-.

8.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is Na2S.

9.The method of claim 5 wherein the NZVI is prepared by reduction of a ferrous salt using a borohydride reducing agent.

10.A method for reducing a concentration of a chlorinated organic compound in an aqueous medium comprising contacting the aqueous medium with a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) as defined in claim 1.

11.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is a chlorinated solvent.

12.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is trichloroethylene (TCE).

13.The method of claim 10, wherein the S-NZVI has a Fe/S molar ratio of 5 to 25.

Word Support in Detailed Description

Word Support in Entire Specification

Hover over any highlighted word to see support details.
Click any green or yellow word to see paragraphs providing support.
  • Green Highlight: Word appears more than 5 times.
  • Yellow Highlight: Word appears 1-5 times.
  • Red Highlight: Word not in spec.

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1.A sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) wherein the S-NZVI comprises an iron sulfide (FeS) layer on the surface of a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) and wherein an iron/sulfide molar ratio (Fe/S) is at least 0.6.

2.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 0.62 to 66.

3.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the hydrodynamic diameter of the sufidated NZVI measured from NTA is greater than or equal to about 190 nm.

4.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 15 to 50.

5.A method of producing a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) comprising contacting a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) with a sulfide source in an aqueous medium.

6.The method of claim 5 wherein the step of contacting a NZVI with a sulfide source is conducted in an inert atmosphere.

7.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is providing a sulfide species HS-.

8.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is Na2S.

9.The method of claim 5 wherein the NZVI is prepared by reduction of a ferrous salt using a borohydride reducing agent.

10.A method for reducing a concentration of a chlorinated organic compound in an aqueous medium comprising contacting the aqueous medium with a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) as defined in claim 1.

11.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is a chlorinated solvent.

12.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is trichloroethylene (TCE).

13.The method of claim 10, wherein the S-NZVI has a Fe/S molar ratio of 5 to 25.

1.A sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) wherein the S-NZVI comprises an iron sulfide (FeS) layer on the surface of a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) and wherein an iron/sulfide molar ratio (Fe/S) is at least 0.6.

2.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 0.62 to 66.

3.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the hydrodynamic diameter of the sufidated NZVI measured from NTA is greater than or equal to about 190 nm.

4.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 15 to 50.

5.A method of producing a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) comprising contacting a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) with a sulfide source in an aqueous medium.

6.The method of claim 5 wherein the step of contacting a NZVI with a sulfide source is conducted in an inert atmosphere.

7.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is providing a sulfide species HS-.

8.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is Na2S.

9.The method of claim 5 wherein the NZVI is prepared by reduction of a ferrous salt using a borohydride reducing agent.

10.A method for reducing a concentration of a chlorinated organic compound in an aqueous medium comprising contacting the aqueous medium with a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) as defined in claim 1.

11.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is a chlorinated solvent.

12.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is trichloroethylene (TCE).

13.The method of claim 10, wherein the S-NZVI has a Fe/S molar ratio of 5 to 25.

Phrase Support in Detailed Description

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Click any green or yellow phrase to see paragraphs providing support.
  • Green Highlight: Phrase appears more than 5 times.
  • Yellow Highlight: Phrase appears 1-5 times.
  • Red Highlight: Phrase not in spec.



1.A sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) wherein the S-NZVI comprises an iron sulfide (FeS) layer on the surface of a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) and wherein an iron/sulfide molar ratio (Fe/S) is at least 0.6.

2.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 0.62 to 66.

3.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the hydrodynamic diameter of the sufidated NZVI measured from NTA is greater than or equal to about 190 nm.

4.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 15 to 50.

5.A method of producing a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) comprising contacting a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) with a sulfide source in an aqueous medium.

6.The method of claim 5 wherein the step of contacting a NZVI with a sulfide source is conducted in an inert atmosphere.

7.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is providing a sulfide species HS-.

8.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is Na2S.

9.The method of claim 5 wherein the NZVI is prepared by reduction of a ferrous salt using a borohydride reducing agent.

10.A method for reducing a concentration of a chlorinated organic compound in an aqueous medium comprising contacting the aqueous medium with a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) as defined in claim 1.

11.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is a chlorinated solvent.

12.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is trichloroethylene (TCE).

13.The method of claim 10, wherein the S-NZVI has a Fe/S molar ratio of 5 to 25.

Reference Label Inconsistencies

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  • Label — A label that was found in the spec or in the drawings.
  • Detailed Description — Text associated with the label and a count of how many times it occurred. If No, the label was not present or was present but did not have any relevant text before it.

Missing ref labels? We look for "strict" ref labels by default. See our documentation for more information.

Label Detailed Description
Label Text Count
200 Philips CM
[no text]
428D Standard Methods 1
1990 sorptomatic 1
1998 technology 1
2001 chemosphere 1
3800 Varian CP 1
5890A HP 1
8891 Cole-Palmer 1

Figure Number Inconsistencies

  • Brief Description — The figure number was included in the Brief Description of the Figures section of the specification.
  • Detailed Description — The figure number was used later in the specification.

We look for figure numbers that are a number optionally followed by a letter. Let us know if you use other formats and we can try to extend this.

Figure Brief
1 Yes Yes
2 Yes Yes
3 Yes Yes
4 Yes Yes
5 Yes Yes
6 Yes Yes
7 Yes Yes
8 Yes Yes
9 Yes Yes
10 Yes Yes
11 Yes No
12 Yes No
13 Yes No
14 Yes No

Patent Profanity

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  • key (2)
  • least (2)
  • minimize (1)
  • most (2)
  • need (2)
  • only (9)
  • optimal (6)
  • very (1)


[0001] The present disclosure relates to sulfur-treated zerovalent iron nanoparticles and the use of same for transforming chlorinated solvent pollutants and may therefore be useful as water treatment technology for restoration of groundwater resources contaminated with toxic, chlorinated solvent pollutants.


[0002] Zerovalent iron is a strong reducing agent that can effectively transform chlorinated organic compounds, such as chlorinated solvents, including TCE, to non-toxic end products. For example, trichloroethylene (TCE) is a widely used industrial solvent. Accidental spills and past improper disposal practices of TCE have led to widespread soil and groundwater contamination. Drinking water standards for TCE and many other chlorinated organic contaminants are in the range of 5 μg/L, and thus even relatively small spills have significant potential to pollute large volumes of groundwater. Zerovalent iron can transform TCE into non-toxic products such as acetylene, ethene, and ethane by the β-elimination and hydrogenation pathways. Direct sub-surface injection of nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) near TCE contamination source zones has been suggested as a promising approach for rapid in situ remediation of aquifers. There are challenges to successful implementation of this technology. For example, the reactivity of NZVI is often rapidly passivated due to formation of an iron oxide shell as a result of reaction with water.

[0003] There is thus still a need to be provided with new reagents and an improved method for the de-chlorination of chlorinated organic compounds.


[0004] In accordance with the present disclosure, there is provided a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) wherein said S-NZVI comprises an iron sulfide (FeS) layer on the surface of a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) and wherein an iron/sulfide molar ratio (Fe/S) is at least 0.6.

[0005] In accordance with the present disclosure, there is provided a method of producing a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) comprising contacting a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) with a sulfide source in an aqueous medium.

[0006] In accordance with the present disclosure, there is provided a method for reducing a concentration of a chlorinated organic compound in an aqueous medium comprising contacting said aqueous medium with a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) as defined herein.

[0007] In accordance with the present disclosure, there is provided a method for increasing the rate constant for TCE degradation of a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) in underground water, said method comprising adding into said underground water a sulfide source in the vicinity of said NZVI, whereby a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) is produced.

[0008] In accordance with the present disclosure, there is provided a method for restoring or increasing an activity for TCE degradation of a passivated nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI), comprising contacting said NZVI with a sulfide source, wherein the sulfide source is added in an amount effective for producing a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI).


[0009] Reference will now be made to the accompanying drawings.

[0010] FIG. 1 illustrates low and high-magnification TEM images (inset) of unamended NZVI and the EDS spectra recorded from the spot marked ‘*’.

[0011] FIG. 2 illustrates TEM images and EDS spectra recorded from the spot marked ‘*’ in the TEM image, for NZVI sulfidated at Fe/S=25 mole ratio.

[0012] FIG. 3 illustrates TEM images and EDS spectra recorded from the spot marked ‘*’ in the TEM image, for NZVI sulfidated at Fe/S=12 mole ratio.

[0013] FIG. 4 illustrates narrow scans of Fe2p XPS spectra of unamended NZVI.

[0014] FIG. 5 illustrates narrow scans of Fe2p XPS spectra of sulfidated NZVI.

[0015] FIG. 6 illustrates the effect of sulfide concentration on TCE degradation in systems containing NZVI at 2.0 g/L.

[0016] FIG. 7 illustrates the surface area-normalized TCE degradation rate constants for NZVI sulfidated to different extents.

[0017] FIG. 8 illustrates the effect of sulfide concentration on TCE degradation in systems containing NZVI at 0.6 g/L.

[0018] FIG. 9 illustrates hydrogen evolution over time with and without sulfide amendment to 1.5 g/L NZVI.

[0019] FIG. 10 illustrates the effect of washing on TCE degradation rate constants for NZVI sulfidated at Fe/S=25 mole ratio and for NZVI sulfidated at Fe/S=12 mole ratio and then reamended with 0.69 and 2.08 mM sulfide solutions.

[0020] FIG. 11 illustrates Narrow scans of S 2p spectra and various resolved peaks for NZVI sulfidated at Fe/S=25 mole ratio before and after sputtering with an Argon beam.

[0021] FIG. 12 illustrates Narrow scans of S 2p spectra and various resolved peaks for NZVI sulfidated at Fe/S=12 mole ratio before and after sputtering with an Argon beam.

[0022] FIG. 13 illustrates hydrogen evolution over time with sulfide amendment to 2.0 g/L NZVI and 2.0 g/L of NZVI-Pd.

[0023] FIG. 14 illustrates reactivity of aged/passivated NZVI (10 g/L) on TCE degradation with and without sulfide amendment at a Fe/S=15 mole ratio.


1.A sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) wherein the S-NZVI comprises an iron sulfide (FeS) layer on the surface of a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) and wherein an iron/sulfide molar ratio (Fe/S) is at least 0.6.

2.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 0.62 to 66.

3.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the hydrodynamic diameter of the sufidated NZVI measured from NTA is greater than or equal to about 190 nm.

4.The S-NZVI of claim 1, wherein the Fe/S molar ratio is 15 to 50.

5.A method of producing a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) comprising contacting a nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) with a sulfide source in an aqueous medium.

6.The method of claim 5 wherein the step of contacting a NZVI with a sulfide source is conducted in an inert atmosphere.

7.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is providing a sulfide species HS-.

8.The method of claim 5 wherein the sulfide source is Na2S.

9.The method of claim 5 wherein the NZVI is prepared by reduction of a ferrous salt using a borohydride reducing agent.

10.A method for reducing a concentration of a chlorinated organic compound in an aqueous medium comprising contacting the aqueous medium with a sulfidated nanoscale zerovalent iron (S-NZVI) as defined in claim 1.

11.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is a chlorinated solvent.

12.The method of claim 10, wherein the chlorinated organic compound is trichloroethylene (TCE).

13.The method of claim 10, wherein the S-NZVI has a Fe/S molar ratio of 5 to 25.


The present disclosure relates to sulfur-treated zerovalent iron nanoparticles and the use of same for transforming chlorinated solvent pollutants and may therefore be useful as water treatment technology for restoration of groundwater resources contaminated with toxic, chlorinated solvent pollutants.